Maryland Equestrian Classifieds: ISO Horse for lease for groundwork only in Sykesville/Westminster area

Listed in: Horses - Horses Wanted

ISO Horse for lease for groundwork only in Sykesville/Westminster area

Date Added: 8/23/2024
Posted By: Mira D
Westminster,   MD  

I am looking for a horse for lease/partial lease for groundwork only in the Sykesville/ Westminster area. I grew up around horses and previously owned one as well, but it's been about a decade since I've worked with horses regularly. I'm looking to get back into horse world, and wanted to start out slowly with a fun companion to groom, hang out with, and do some groundwork with. :)

I'm looking for a horse that's somewhat laid back, but have no real preference when it comes to age, mare/gelding, breed. I do have previous experience working with drafts and draft x's and they have a special place in my heart, so any drafts would be awesome!

I am a 32 yo professional female and can provide references about my previous work with horses if needed. Price per month definitely negotiable depending on specifics of the lease.

Please feel free to reach out to me at: Thanks!