Maryland Equestrian Classifieds: Two mixed cow dogs. Young and willing and ready to work!! They are beautiful and very smart and willing around livestock. Duke even has a beautiful blue eye!
Please call or text for more information. 540-222-0634. "> They are beautiful and very smart and willing around livestock. Duke even has a beautiful blue eye!
Please call or text for more information. 540-222-0634. "/>

Listed in: Other Animals For Sale/Wanted - Pets

Two mixed cow dogs. Young and willing and ready to work!!

Date Added: 1/23/2025
Posted By: Marcy Bishop
12225 Kendall Rd.    [ MAP ]
Orange,   VA  
Email Address:
Phone: 540-222-0634

"Daisy & Duke" are a male and female mixed cattle dog. Duke is netured and we belive Daisy is spayed. They are both a year old.
They are beautiful and very smart and willing around livestock. Duke even has a beautiful blue eye!
Please call or text for more information. 540-222-0634.

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